Join us for
"Gifts of the Dark Wood"
Study Group, Worship Themes
and Special Services
Grounded on the book "Gifts of the Dark Wood" by Eric Elnes, our journey is about how experiences of life through the "dark wood" (uncertainty, emptiness, feeling lost, etc.) can be experienced as gifts. How can the struggles of life be the seedbed of spiritual awakening to the fullness of life?
Join us Wednesdays nights from March 2-April 13 on Zoom
Based on the work of Eric Elnes and Marcia McFee
Maudy Thursday
April 14 @ 7 pm
(dress warmly)
Service of Tenebrae
Good Friday
April 15 Noon - 3 pm
Sanctuary open for prayer and meditation.
David Maxwell on the organ.
Easter Sunrise Service
April 17 @ 5:30 am
Eastern Prom, Portland
(meet near the gazebo)
Easter Service
April 17 @ 10 am
Sanctuary (dress warmly)
"The Gift of Bridge Building"